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Google to Develop Multiple Account Log-in Feature

Google is now working on a mechanism whereby which users will
be able to log-into multiple 

Google accounts simultaneously, in the same
browser. Yet the the feature is in testing phase and 

 is not available to some
specific users, which will evaluate it. Moreover, at this stage would be
running only for Gmail accounts, Google Calendar, Google Reader, Google Docs,
Google Sites and Google Code.

Once the evaluation phase is over the feature will be
available to all users. However Google has not announced yet about the official
release date.

The only drawback to this feature would be that by adopting
it, the offline mode of Gmail would be off, which for some could prove a

However for many of us, it is a common practice to have
multiple accounts. And at times we need to log-in to multiple accounts
simultaneously. Without this service until now, we can use the mode of Google Chrome,
which do not save cookies.