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Fibonacci series through recursion (C++ Tutorial)

Fibonacci series through recursion
fibonacciRecursive() calculates the fibonacci number of the given number recursively.
For example,
If the number is 0 then it will return  0,
If the number is 1 then it will return  1,
If the number is 2 then it will return  1,
If the number is 3 then it will return  2,
If the number is 4 then it will return  3,
If the number is 5 then it will return  5,
If the number is 6 then it will return  8,
If the number is 7 then it will return 13,
If the number is 8 then it will return 21,
If the number is 9 then it will return 34.
Code of fibonacciRecursive()

unsigned long fibonacciRecursive( unsigned long number )
if ( number == 0 || number ==1 )
            return number;
            return fibonacciRecursive( number - 1 ) + fibonacciRecursive( number - 2 );
Summary of fibonacciRecursive()
fibonacciRecursive() is a recursive function with 2 parts;
first part is the base case – if the number is equal to 0 or 1, then this function will return 1.
fibonacciRecursive( 0 ) = 1
fibonacciRecursive( 1 ) = 1
Second part consists of recursive calls as mentioned below:
fibonacciRecursive( number - 1 ) + fibonacciRecursive( number - 2 )
Example (C++)
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "iostream"
#include "iomanip"
#include "conio.h"

using namespace std;

unsigned long fibonacciRecursive( unsigned long number )
if ( number == 0 || number ==1 )
            return number;
            return fibonacciRecursive( number - 1 ) + fibonacciRecursive( number - 2 );

int main()
      for( unsigned long i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
            cout << fibonacciRecursive( i ) << setw(4) ;

      cout << endl;

      return 0;
0   1   1   2   3   5   8  13  21  34