+92 332 4229 857 99ProjectIdeas@Gmail.com

Simple WebBrowser (Vb.net)

The following code shows you how to make a simple webbrowser. For this you have to use a tool item webbrowser from toolbox , where the site is loaded.

' btnGo working

Private Sub btnGo_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnGo.Click

    WebBrowser1.Navigate(TextBox1.Text, False)

End Sub

' btnForward working
Private Sub btnForward_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnForward.Click


End Sub

' btnBack working
Private Sub btnBack_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnBack.Click


End Sub

' If user press enter after writing website address
Private Sub TextBox1_KeyPress(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As KeyPressEventArgs) Handles TextBox1.KeyPress

        If Asc(e.KeyChar) = 13 Then

            btnGo_Click(sender, e)

        End If

End Sub

This following function is for getting keypressed by user and do the mentioned below tasks.
Protected Overrides Function ProcessCmdKey(ByRef msg As Message, ByVal keyData As Keys) As Boolean

   If keyData = (Keys.Control Or Keys.Right) Then ' if (ctrl + right) press then goForward


   ElseIf keyData = (Keys.Back) Then ' if backspace keypress then goBack


   ElseIf keyData = (Keys.Control Or Keys.Enter) Then ' if (ctrl + enter) press then load the site
      WebBrowser1.Navigate("http://" & TextBox1.Text & ".com", False)
      TextBox1.Text = "http://www." & TextBox1.Text & ".com"

   End If

End Function