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Random String Generator (C#.net)

Random String Generator
The following code shows you how to generate a random string and creating the random folder of that string at the mentioned path.
randomString() function generates a random string and creates the folder of that string also.

public void randomString()
   StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
   Random rand = new Random();
   char ch;

Here, also getting random size of that string which is to be generated, basically it is a length of that string.
   int size = rand.Next(10,18);

    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)

Now, here converting every integer value that is generated by the random function to its corresponding ASCII value characters. Capital 'A' to small 'z'

        ch = Convert.ToChar(rand.Next(65, 122));

Now , appending each character and make a string.


Now , creates the folder of that random string at your mentioned drive path.
    Directory.CreateDirectory(@"D:\" + builder);

output of the program is (First Time Execution):

output of the program is (Second Time Execution):

So you see, every time run this code it would generate a random string and also create a folder of that generated random string on your mentioned path. 

Related Article: 

Random Number Generator