Determine whether two specified string objects have same value or not?
1. string strOne = "Osama";
2. string strTwo = "Maverick";
3. MessageBox.Show(string.Equals(strOne, strTwo).ToString());
Or we can write:
1. bool result = string.Equals(strOne, strTwo);
2. MessageBox.Show(result.ToString());
False (Because they are not Equals)
Determines whether two specified string objects are equal ignoring their case:
1. string strOne = "Osama";
2. string strTwo = "OSAMA";
3. bool result = string.Equals(strOne, strTwo);
4. MessageBox.Show(result.ToString());
False (Because they are not Equal)
But if you write like this:
1. string strOne = "Osama";
2. string strTwo = "OSAMA";
3. bool result = string.Equals(strOne,strTwo,StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase);
4. MessageBox.Show(result.ToString());
True (Because they are Equal and ignores capital or small letter case)
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