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VLC USB Pen Drive Version Free Download | USB Pen Drive Apps

Flexible, intuitive and fast, it's all one can expect from a good media player for Mac OS X, but VLC is much more to offer, with its playback capabilities on DVD and VCD files, video files, MPEG, AVI, OGM and DivX, and even streaming video files over the Internet. VLC Media Player is the direct descendant of VideoLAN media player more attractive and effective of his generation, compatible with various operating systems like Linux, Windows in addition to this for Mac OSX also. Versatile with minimal design focus and additionallt loaded with tons of functionalities. that is why it makes itself, my favourite. And all this you can now benefit from its USB Pen Drive Version. That enables you to attack a large set of multimedia files on the go, without needing any installation and also not leaving behind any traces on the host computer. You can download USB Pen Drive version of VLC below.

Link | Download VLC USB