Polymorphism :
Polymorphic” literally means “of multiple shapes” and in the context of OOP, polymorphic means “having multiple behavior.
A polymorphic method results in different actions depending on the object are referenced, also known as late binding or run-time binding.
public class Employee
private int id;
// Getter/Setter of id
public int Id
get { return id; }
set { id = value; }
private string name;
// Getter/Setter of name
public string Name
get { return name; }
set { name = value; }
// Default Constructor
public Employee()
this.id = 0;
this.name = "Anonymous";
// Parameterized Constructor
public Employee(int i, string n)
this.id = i;
this.name = n;
// defining display() function as virtual so that in derived class we can override it
public virtual void display()
Console.WriteLine("Employee id:" + this.id + " name:" + this.name);
public class Teacher : Employee // Inheriting Teacher from Employee
private string degree;
public string Degree
get { return degree; }
set { degree = value; }
// Default Constructor
public Teacher()
this.degree = "Fake One";
// Parameterized Constructor, passing id and name to Base class constructor
public Teacher(int id, string name, string deg) : base(id, name)
this.degree = deg;
// overriding the base class display() function with the same name
public override void display()
base.display(); // Call to base class display() method
Console.Write(", And Degree : " + this.degree);
public static void Main(string[] args)
//Creating Employee Class Object References
Employee employee1, employee2;
employee1 = new Employee(10,"Osama");
employee1.display(); // Call to base class display() function
//Employee object can hold Teacher class because it is a derived class
employee2 = new Teacher(12,"Saad","Bcs");
employee2.display(); // Call to derived class display() function
//But if you hold the Employee object to Teacher object it would give you ClassCastException
Teacher teacher;
teacher = (Teacher)new Employee(34, "Maryam");//Casting Employee To Teacher
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