Checking whether a character is an alphabat, a small
alphabat, a capital alphabat or a digit
The below mentioned
functions serve the purpose:
IsAlphabat() accepts a
character and returns true if the character is an alphabat and retuns false if
the character is not an alphabat.
The range of decimal value
of an alphabat: 65-90 AND 97-122
IsAlphabatSmall() accepts a
character and returns true if the character(alphabat) is small and returns
false if the character is not small.
The range of decimal value
of a small alphabat: 97-122
IsAlphabatCapital() accepts a
character and returns true if the character(alphabat) is capital and returns
false if the character is not capital.
The range of decimal value
of a capital alphabat: 65-90
IsDigit() accepts a
character and returns true if the character is a digit and retuns false if the
character is not a digit.
The range of decimal value
of a digit: 48-57
Example (C++)
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "iostream"
#include "conio.h"
using namespace std;
bool IsAlphabat( char ch )
if ( ( ch >= 65 &
ch <= 90 ) | ( ch >= 97 & ch <= 122 ) )
return true;
return false;
bool IsAlphabatSmall( char ch )
if ( ch >= 97 &
ch <= 122 )
return true;
return false;
bool IsAlphabatCapital( char ch)
if ( ch >= 65 &
ch <= 90 )
return true;
return false;
bool IsDigit( char ch )
if ( ch >= 48 &
ch <= 57 )
return true;
return false;
int main()
cout << IsAlphabat('A') << endl; // 1
cout << IsAlphabatCapital('A') << endl; // 1
cout << IsAlphabatSmall('A') << endl; // 0
cout << IsDigit('A') << endl; // 0
cout << endl << endl;
cout << IsAlphabat('a') << endl; // 1
cout << IsAlphabatCapital('a') << endl; // 0
cout << IsAlphabatSmall('a') << endl; // 1
cout << IsDigit('a') << endl; // 0
cout << endl << endl;
cout << IsAlphabat('0') << endl; // 0
cout << IsAlphabatCapital('0') << endl; // 0
cout << IsAlphabatSmall('0') << endl; // 0
cout << IsDigit('0') << endl; // 1
return 0;
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